Is Jesus There? - Here on Purpose

Did you know Jesus wrote 7 letters?  Do you know where to find them?

Today we will look at the 7 letters Jesus wrote to 7 churches.  These 7 letters are found in the book of Revelation.

Before we get there let us first start with some prayer.

Wow! - Brag on God.  Tell Him why you think he is great.

Now... - Tell God what is going on in life.  Where are you needing some help?

How? - Quite talking and start listening.  We can hear God by his Word and by his Spirit.

Revelation chapters 2 & 3.
What words or phrases did you not understand?  Will you do the research to figure out what Jesus was saying?

Since we are studying, on Sundays at New City Church, Paul's letter to the Ephesians, what do you think Jesus meant when he wrote, "You have departed from your first love"?  What scripture or thoughts support your thinking?

Notice Rev 3:14-22
Does this letter apply to your life?  Are you hot or cold?
Is there a positive way to read "I am going to vomit you out of my mouth!"?  If no, what implication could this have on a "lukewarm" life?

Finally, if "lukewarm" Jesus say you don't have to stay that way.  What does Jesus ask you to listen for?  Then, what opportunity does he offer you?

Utmost for His Highest

Have a blessed weekend.  I'll be back posting on Monday morning.
Pastor Matt