Full of Jesus - Here on Purpose

Today's devotion will focus on 2 verses, Mark 2:1-2.  I want to first offer some thoughts on these verses and then move into a time of prayer and deeper reflection.

Mark 2:1-2, "Now after some days, when Jesus returned to Capernaum, the new spread that he was at home.  So many gathered that there was no longer any room, not even by the door, and he preached the word to them."  

Let's chew on this for a bit.  What are some things you see in these scriptures?
1. We learn where Jesus called home.
2. We learn that he was very popular/famous. (In chapter 1 you can read about the miracle that caused his fame)
3. And we know Jesus taught the Word.  (this by the way wasn't the New Testament because it hadn't been written yet)

Let's see if we can apply some of this into our own life.
1. We learn in Ephesians chapter 1 and 2 that Jesus is currently with the Father.  However, we also know from Ephesians chapter 1 that the saints, the faith in Christ Jesus have been given his Holy Spirit, as a mark that we belong to him.  So, here's a question for you to consider.  Is your house in order?  What type of environment to you provide for the Holy Spirit to live?  Is he having to step around and over the clutter of your life or has your obedience to God's Word provided for him a pleasant place to reside?

2. I find it interesting that the house is crowed when Jesus is present.  People were and are attracted to Jesus!  (don't confuse Jesus with religion...most people don't crowd a house for religion)  So, what might your life look like when it has more Jesus in it?  John the Baptist said, in the Gospel of John, "He must become greater and I must become less."  Be warned...Big You and Big Jesus can't coexist.  Some one will be greater.  Some one will be less.  May our lives have some much Jesus that people are "crowed" to be around us.  And this leads us to my final observation, why would people crowd around you?

3. When you are full of Jesus AND you are preaching his Word...Look out!  God's gonna do something big through you.  We must be careful because the crowd may confuse your talents with Jesus' favor.  When there is a crowd...Don't talk about you.  Preach the Word!  Brag on God.  Tell of how he saved your sorry butt.  Inspire men and women to repent and be baptized into the family of God.  You want to clear a room...Start talking about you.  How I pray that we would be a people full of Jesus.  And, that we love to talk about what he has done for us.  

All of this is started when you take the time to abide (John 15:1-8).  Let's do this now.

Wow! - Brag on God.

Now... - Tell God what's on your mind.

How? - Stop talking and start listening to his Holy Spirit and his Word.  Ask and Answer, What is God saying and what will I do about it?

Proverbs chapter 29

Ephesians chapter 2

Mark chapter 1 and 2

Utmost for His Highest

Pastor Matt