Who Do You Cry To? - Here on Purpose

Who do you cry out to in times of trouble?  This will serve as our foundational thought for today's prayer and Bible reading.  

There are times when crying out to a friend just doesn't cut it.  We've all been there.  Those times when you are talking out loud but no one else is there but you...And God.  But here's the rub...Is it God or god?  Over and over again in Judges I notice the theme of a people who love God and then after some time turn from him and commit themselves to other gods.  

Look how God responds to this type of behavior in Judges 10:13.  "But since you abandoned me and worshiped other gods, I will not deliver you again.  Go and cry for help to the gods you have chosen!  Let them deliver you from trouble."  

If love = commitment...
Then worship = devotion.  

To whom do you offer your devotion?  To whom do you offer your commitment?
It is important with questions like this to not make excuses or rationalizations.  Just answer the question as honestly as possible.  For God already knows the answer.  

Let's pray.

Wow! - Brag on God.

Now... - Talk to God about your devotion and commitment.

How? - Stop talking and start listening to what He wants to say to you by his Holy Spirit and his Word.

Today's reading:
Judges chapters 10-11
Don't miss the unnecessary and foolish vow that Jephthah.  

What is God saying to you?

Proverbs chapter 2

Utmost for His Highest

Have a blessed day,
Pastor Matt