2 Hours

Today's post is a little different.  I would like to ask you to plan ahead for next week.  I know you don't want me to plan your life...But may I offer some questions that you might consider if you were to plan ahead?

1. Could you set aside 40 minutes to abide?  If so, what time and what day(s) would you choose to do this?  Here is a simple plan to help guide your 40 minutes: Talk to God (pray) - 15 minutes, Read the Bible to see what God says about what you talked to Him about - 15 minutes, and Sitting still and reflecting on what you prayed and read - 10 minutes

2. Is there a friend or mentor that you could take to lunch or coffee?  This could be a good time to ask questions and learn from someone that you hope to one day be like.   

3. Can you find 30 minutes in the evening to turn the tv/phone/computer off and devote this time to reading a book that will help you improve in: Parenting, Marriage, Money, or a specific Skill that will help you within your job?  Because of technology, we have every opportunity to learn on any topic we choose.  There is no excuse for you not to learn up.

I'm done.  There could be more but this is a great start.  And notice how much time it will take. If you did all of this in one day...All you would lose is around 2 hours!  Stop saying you can't...Yes you can and it will only take 2 hours.  Stop listening to your past...Look to God for your future.  All it takes is a little planning.

Pastor Matt